Binford & Associates (Cincinnati, Ohio)


Binford & Associates Call Valet Coffee When It’s Time to Show Appreciation to Their Clients and Partners!

The companies that hire Valet Coffee for their appreciation events know that it is good for business when they recognize their employees for a job well done and their clients for their loyalty.

Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky Employees and Clients who are recognized…

  • Usually go above and beyond what is expected
  • Are more productive and motivated
  • Are more likely to stay with the company who is recognizing them

Binford & Associated uses Valet Coffee show appreciation to their clients and partners.

From Binford & Associates…

Dan Binford“Valet Coffee’s personable and outgoing customer service is off the charts! Having Valet Coffee is always a fun experience with unforgettable service and fabulous drinks!!”

Dan Binford, Owner
Binford & Associates

About Binford and Associates

Dan Binford & Associates has been representing quality furnishing in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia for nearly 30 years.
Offering solutions in Corporate, Hospitality, Healthcare, and Educational furniture from their vast selection of lines.
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Random Images From Valet Coffee’s Events

Please keep Valet Coffee in mind when you are planning your next Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky appreciation event! 

Contact us (859-409-1628) for a free consultation!

logoAbout Valet Coffee

Valet Coffee is a full service, mobile espresso and smoothie bar. It’s a unique way to impress customers, appreciate employees and kick up any special event to the next level. Our professional baristas will bring the taste and feel of an authentic European coffee house. We do all the work, all you have to do is entertain. Valet Coffee’s mobile espresso and smoothie bars are one of Greater Cincinnati’s best marketing tools.
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